ReBirth Within™

'Empowered Beginnings & Secure Futures'

 What every mother desires....

Within every pregnant woman and new mother resides the desire for a positive birth experience and the creation of a secure, loving foundation for her child and to embrace and enjoy the motherhood experience.

This journey is not solely about birthing the baby, but also about birthing the mother herself – nurturing her emotional well-being, fostering self-confidence, and navigating the challenges of labour, birth, and motherhood with more ease, grace and confidence.

The ultimate goal is to shape a future in which both mother and child thrive, forging an unbreakable bond that shapes their lives in beautiful ways forever.

However, the path to empowered beginnings and secure futures often presents challenges as women prepare for childbirth and motherhood. 


The absence of skills, tools, and knowledge for managing the emotional and physical challenges of pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum can overwhelm mothers, contributing to one in three women reporting a traumatic birth experience.

As newborns require constant care, the precious commodity of time disappears, leaving mothers to navigate their new role. The intricate complexity of modern parenting advice often leads to confusion, as parents struggle to sift through conflicting opinions and decide on the best course of action and which advice to follow.

However, there are solutions available to overcome these obstacles and realize the vision of an empowered birth and a secure transition into parenthood can be achieved through education with professionals and a community of other parents going through the same thing as you - YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Unlocking your inner potential to experience a joyful pregnancy, empowered birth and conscious parenting

A holistic approach to pregnancy, labour, birth and parenting in the postnatal period.

Introducing ReBirth Within™....

Topics covered

Your Path to an Empowered birth to provide nurturing care and attachment with your baby

The immersive 12-week program features four live online sessions with a qualified midwife. These sessions are designed to prepare you for the modules, review the lessons, the reflections and facilitate in-depth discussions about the content.

Additionally, the program includes somatic and guided soul journeys (meditations) to foster a deeper connection with your body, mind, spirit, and your baby.

Parents can submit their questions to be addressed both before and during the live sessions. If you cannot attend the live calls, you will receive a recording to ensure you don't miss anything.


Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:

ReBirth Within™ Self Study Program


One time investment payment

  • Go at your own pace
  • 12 modules released 4 modules at a time as you complete them
  • Downloadable documents, including 'hospital bag checklist', 'birth preferences for labour and birth' and '30 day journal' to connect to body, mind and baby plus more
  • Access to the private facebook group and community to ask questions and connect with other soulshiners
  • Lifetime access including content updates

ReBirth Within™ Immersive Live Program


One time investment payment

  • Unlock 12 modules released 4 modules at a time over a 12 weeks period - see FAQs for the next live dates commencing
  • 4 live sessions with an eligible midwife at the beginning of the program launch date, after first 4 modules, then before final 4 modules and a 'finale' after the completion of 12 modules
  • Downloadable documents, including 'hospital bag checklist', 'birth preferences for labour and birth' and '30 day journal' to connect to body, mind and baby plus more
  • Somatic and breathing exercises to connect with your breath and body
  • Guided soul journeys for relaxation and messages from within your body
  • Access to the private facebook group and community to ask questions and connect with other soulshiners
  • Lifetime access including content updates
‘Wow, where to start?’ From the bottom of our hearts, we cannot thank you enough for looking after us so well.... Thank you so much for your kindness, professionalism, expert level care as we grew *baby and brought him home. Thank you again x 1000'
'Thank you for everything you did for us as a family. You are amazing at what you do and I couldn't have done it (got through it!) without you.  Thank you for never making me feel crazy and listening, plus laughing at my jokes! *Baby has turned out to be a beautiful EASY baby!!'

‘Thank you for your kind words, advice and encouragement, always made us feel safe and supported'.
‘Thank you for all your help on our pregnancy journey. We felt completely supported and prepared.  I had such an amazing experience with you and my birth was phenomenal and my after care. Becoming a mum I now know how rare it is to get such good help. I think I was so lucky to have met you. I 100% want to bring you in when I have my next baby!'
'Thank you for all your help, support, guidance and knowledge before and after the birth of our son... Words cannot adequately express our gratitude for the role you played. Thank you for going above and beyond to make our journey into parenthood a positive and memorable one. Your passion for your work shines through, and we are eternally grateful. With heartfelt appreciation'


Your dedicated & passionate Midwife and Soul Coach! 




My mission? To be your trusted guide as you embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment towards birth and parenting. Every persons birth is different and I understand it can be overwhelming not knowing what to expect and the unknown.

Whether you're navigating the intricacies of birth and labour, or facing life's tough decisions and transitions, I'm here to help you find your own answers from within.

With a gentle and nurturing approach, I'll walk alongside you, empowering you to tap into your inner wisdom and strength while providing you with education on all things labour, birth and those early days with a baby.

Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence.

Find out more about Cath